So, where am I, emotionally, today?
I am numb. I am sleepy. I feel exhausted from wishing I could do more to resist this storm, but so small and helpless that there is nothing I can do but rage, and scream, and cry… And then, I feel even worse, because all of the self-proclaimed enlightened spiritual people say “pray, see him with divine love, only the light can cast away darkness!” and I’m just not there yet.
I’m not there yet.
I’m still scared.
I feel scared that he will start WWIII at worst, or at least a manufactured crisis, like a terrorist attack that he instigates in order to declare martial law at best. At best.
I’m afraid that he will sell off our National Treasures, like the Grand Canyon, the Redwood Forests, and vast swaths of our coastline to private interests, other countries and mining companies, and once they are gone, we’ll never get them back.
I am terrified that he will destroy what’s left of the public education system, and we will revert to becoming a second- or third-world country with a “service” economy in less than a generation.
I’m all but certain that he and his cronies will plunder the wealth-earning potential of most American citizens to make themselves rich, and leave our children holding the bag, not unlike what sparked the Great Depression, but far worse.
And that’s just the beginning. That doesn’t even include the things he actually says he’s going to do — that’s just the behind-the-scenes things that are within my imagination to conceive. …There is much more that “could” happen, I’m just not sinister enough to think of it all.
So what are we to do? Protest? Fight? Resist?
I’m not sure enough people are alarmed enough to do that, and there in lies the problem.
Or, there is the spiritual approach:
“What if this is the exact, perfect, best possible outcome?”
“What if this is actually a gift?”
“What if this is all leading to something much better, and this is the quickest route to it?”
How could that be?
I can imagine that if President Kennedy had never been assassinated that President Johnson would likely not have then have had the mandate to sign the civil rights act of 1965. So there is one example of a tragedy turning into something much bigger and even more important.
Similarly, I’m not sure if President Obama’s presidency would have been possible if it weren’t for eight years under the (mild) tyranny and wars of the Bush administration.
I don’t think it’s possible to see in advance, what good might come of something so terrible as what is currently being called the President of the United States, but it is happening, so I’m trying. I’m trying to not argue with reality.
But I’m having immense trouble day-dreaming of any possibly sort-of positive, peaceful, prosperous or beneficial, even long-range, outcomes here.
What are some possibilities?
I need your help.