Soon, this page will tell more about the coaching I do and the various services I offer for working with people. But some of that information is already sprinkled into the home page, and the Andrea (about me) pages. When this page is completely written, it may tell you:
What is involved when you schedule a complimentary “Joy, Meaning, & Money” breakthrough session, how long those conversations generally are, or what your plan to move forward might look like and what results you can expect. It may also tell you that just one conversation is all some people need to get on track and take it from there. We just won’t know until we talk.
…or maybe it will say:
My clients are smart, accomplished, open-minded people between 40-60 years old, who have had career success in the past but now want something MORE. Your relationship is fine, but is feeling a little stale (if you’re really honest with yourself). Your health is fine, but you’re feeling a slower and thicker than you used to as well. You think you have something in you to share with the world, but you don’t really know quite what it is yet (or if anyone else even wants it?) You don’t “need” help, but you appreciate that having dedicated support makes everything easier. You’re feeling the results of what I call “the half-lived life syndrome” (both chronologically, and in terms of your overall satisfaction with it!)
…or something like this:
Working with me is not for everybody; it will require a large investment of time, money, and courage/commitment to yourself to make it worth your while. It’s intense, and can involve truths that you might not feel ready to see yet, much less want to make the effort to change. I work on an intuitive and energetic level, so it can be deeply intimate and also deeply validating to be seen so clearly by another person.
Regardless, if you’re ready to find out more, you can always contact me, and we’ll talk about how coaching can help YOU — because no words on any website can ever take the place of a real-live conversation custom-tailored to your desires and what YOU want to create!