A question was posed in the online forum for a group class I am a part of today, about knowing your connection to spirit, examples of tuning in to a higher power, and wondering about blocking that connection, or even knowing for sure what it is?
For me it’s a few things:
- Practice. I feel my connection to Spirit much more clearly when I am in a good habit of meditating every day, 15-30 mins, every morning before the world gets in the way. It also helps me to read spiritual books like A Course in Miracles, and watch inspirational videos like those from Matt Kahn, Rob Bell, Bashar, or Abraham-Hicks.
. - Noticing. Paying attention to the times when an intuitive hit panned out accurately, for either good or bad. For instance, I remember clearly a time when I had been invited to a friends party across town, but had the impulse not to go. I ignored it. Then, when I was on my way there, everything started going wrong –– I was late because of terrible traffic, I forgot the food I was supposed to bring, there were people at the party who had difficult energy, I got a door ding on my car, and felt so wiped out the next day, I wasn’t good for anything else. I said to Spirit right then and there: “got the message! (Sorry I didn’t heed it sooner!)” I also try to notice when it goes well, like when I feel an intuition to share something with somebody, for example, and it makes a real difference. I don’t keep a tally, but it might be helpful to do so, to keep the focus on when/where you are honoring the connection to spirit you are aware of?
. - Sharing. A new thing I just learned for myself today, from lesson 154 in A Course in Miracles, is that I only recognize my connection to Spirit, and the messages I am to give (in order to honor that connection) AFTER I have shared the messages with somebody. Only then can I hear/know it myself.
No one can receive and understand he has received until he gives. For in the giving is his own acceptance of what he received.” (Pg. 289 in the ACIM Workbook for Students).
What this means to me is to authentically share myself when I am going through a challenge, or answer a question (like this) as honestly and vulnerably as I can, to show my emotions when I feel them, and to speak the truth as I see it, especially when I have been specifically invited (like in a professional coaching context) but even sometimes when I haven’t been (like on social media).
- Self-care. In my experience, it is essential that I am eating properly. For me that means no sugars whatsoever (drastically decreases my mood)), drinking 2+ liters of water every day, getting 8+ hours of sleep every night, limiting my intake of news/external world “reality” and, ideally, 15-20 mins of sunshine every day (for natural vitamin D). When I’m not feeling my connection to Spirit (that flow, and joy, and sense of levity or firing on all cylinders) my self-care routine is the first place I look.