I came across the following question asked by someone in a social media group looking for sympathy and agreement, and even though I didn’t technically ‘have time’ that morning to write out an answer, I couldn’t NOT speak up. So here is what that poor person (pun intended) would have read if I had posted my answer there, and not here instead:
Question: “I’ve been working on finding out my “calling” and it seems to be
in personal development/health and wellness consultations, and/or sharing
assistance for others… Sometimes it’s just difficult for me to charge people
for my advice, because I feel that it should all be freely available…does anyone
else feel that way?”
Arrrrghgghhhhh!!! Just because lot’s of people have a lack mentality doesn’t mean it’s correct that everything of value be freely available! Should the groceries you obtain at the supermarket be freely available? What about the legal documents to set-up a business entity, should the attorney do that for free as well? How about the rent you pay to live in your home, should the landlord make that freely available?
What is it about your own hard-earned wisdom (gained through education, training, reading, healing, and the school of hard-knocks/experience in life, as well as learning to channel your intuition clearly) that makes you think it has no value and should be given away for nothing, freely available?
Sure, a money-less utopia would be nice. But that is not the reality of the world we live in at this time in history. So stop bucking against reality, and start learning the very real worth of the knowledge you already have to share instead. People value what they pay for. Period.
Have you ever known of somebody who was given the gift of a new car when they were first licensed to drive, and then promptly crashed it right into a tree not long thereafter? It is human nature to value, care for, and honor that which one has invested one’s own resources (time, energy, money) to obtain, and that includes YOUR services when they hire you as their coach or guide!
Stop it with this “freely available” $hit please! YOUR wisdom is worth more than that!