I wasted 10 years tolerating the dull-ache of a half-lived life.
It had been a decade since I graduated with my Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, and even more since I retired from a successful career as a computer graphic visual effects artist for movies.
My coaching practice was nonexistent.
My husband left on a year-long deployment with the US Navy in Djibouti, East Africa leaving me home alone with the cat, and all the free time I needed to finally write my book/start my business/revamp my website/organize the house/anything I wanted.
And I spent most of that year watching old Law & Order reruns. No joke.
Though I was drowning in boredom, I was still too scared to make a move into the unknown. I was sick with shame over wasting my time, but, because my business wasn’t making any money, I didn’t feel I could justify investing money in myself to get help. I did not know where to turn. And, whatever it might be that I longed to be doing, it was too big and scary for me to do on my own!
A Sign
One afternoon that same year, my friend Kim called me to ask about my experience as a life coach. She was considering enrolling in a certification process to become a coach herself. But I was so DOWN on the vocation, that I spent most of the next three hours trying to talk her out of it!
However, something happened to me in that conversation with Kim. While talking with her, I tuned-in to what HER heart was longing for. I saw her innate talents more than she could herself and reflected those back to her. I knew intuitively the things she was doing to get in her own way. Serving Kim in this way reignited my passion for working 1:1 with people and set me on a new trajectory.
My conversation with her reminded me about my gifts and talents as a coach. I realized that it was time for me to invest in the support I needed to finally step into the heartfelt desire that I had quashed for all those years. I enrolled in the very same advanced coaching program that I had tried to talk Kim out of.
The Turning Point
One of the requirements of the program was that we “walk our talk” and hire our own coach. Up until that point, I vehemently resisted the idea of getting a coach because…I (sort of) was one. I was the friend everybody else called for help, I thought, surely I can help myself! I certainly didn’t want somebody else telling me what to do, especially if I they were going to charge me thousands of dollars to do it!
As turns out, investing in my own coach was the turning point for my business. (See my blog post on “the value of coaching (from the client perspective)” — coming soon)
It took a couple of years to really get the ball rolling – I was not an overnight success – and I have invested more than $40K on training and professional coaching for myself since then. But I’m finally in the right place.
My Life’s Mission: Helping People Find Authentic Happiness
I am on a mission to help people find their way to a richer life. I used to think that as soon as I had the boyfriend, the marriage, the house, the car, the accomplishments, the family, the career, the body, the travel, the advanced degree, the _____ (fill in the blank), I would finally feel joyful. But I got all that, and guess what? No extra joy. Possibly even some extra extra depression and gloominess because the happiness I expected didn’t stick.
I traveled the world, graduated with a master’s degree in spiritual psychology, and have done tons of independent research in many aspects of metaphysics, self-help, and personal development, ranging from A Course in Miracles, mindfulness meditation, SoM, Human Design, the Work of Byron Katie, and more. Whereas I could probably teach classes on all of those topics, it took becoming a coach and investing in coaching support for myself to finally realize:
I had to start sharing ME to experience the JOY I longed for.
I always had the knack for being the guide, the confidante, the mentor, the teacher, but it wasn’t until I started using those skills professionally in my work as a coach that I noticed where people really get tripped up:
- Just waiting until something happens, until the outside/external world gives them something to respond or to react to, before taking ownership for their life experience.
- Feeling reluctance to take the initial step, make the first move, adjust the pattern, or do something different.
- When they seem to think that the way they’ve been living life so far will somehow magically “morph” into new results (hint: that is the definition of insanity).
- By allowing themselves to be too busy, not prioritize, get overwhelmed, and be pulled every which way by other peoples’ demands.
When that happens, what we need is support to make ourselves #1 again!
Because many people hate “change” and getting a different (more satisfying/joyful) result is synonymous with change.
Change ONLY happens outside the comfort zone. Doing something a little bit scary, different, uncomfortable, is the only way to grow. There is no such thing as ready (ready is a concept you can only really feel in hindsight.)
I’m like a detective
Helping you uncover that secret piece (Peace) that is the key to unlocking your fondest hearts desire and having a richer life.
Results I have created for myself, and my clients’ now experience as well:
- Feel calmer, more in command of self and life
- Build their business; make more money then they previously thought possible
- Feel like their true selves – more joy, more connection
- Better relationships; effective communication, equilibrium, and Peace about the previously most difficult interactions
- Don’t get knocked off game when life throws a curve
- Courage to face (and fix) the problems
- Find YOUR unique talent / what is in your heart
- Heal old wounds (what I call “holes in the soul”) for the last time
- See past, and change blind spots that have been in the way for years
- More confidence; developing self-worth from the inside out
- Prioritization, doing what’s most important first
- Feeling fully alive
If that’s what you would like for your life, no matter what profession you are in, I invite you to contact me and we’ll schedule a (complimentary) conversation to take the first step together.
Ready for MORE?
10 Fun Facts about me that few people know
A deep-dive Q&A into all my wildly varying past experiences to explain how one person could do so many different things with her life and still only be half-way through it (coming soon)
Anxious to stop talking and start working together? Contact me to schedule your complimentary “Joy, Meaning & Money” breakthrough session